Search Results for: republic of georgia

JURIST Deputy Features Editor Jaimee Francis talked with Ukrainian student Kateryna Kyrychenko to get her unique perspective on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Kateryna is originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine, and is now based in the Czech Republic. This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with JURIST’s Ukraine correspondents, who include law and policy students [...]


“…Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, family ties.” — Address by the President [...]


To a U.S. immigrant who grew up (1972-1992) under a de facto dictatorship where election fraud and accepted discrimination were a societal norm, the concepts of fair and transparent elections, “All men are created equal,” and “equal opportunity …” were unfamiliar. They became a substitute of justice for the customary sense of helplessness. I felt [...]


Americans were shocked by Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol by the Proud Boys and other rightwing mobs and militia. International observers and some U.S. politicians began referring to the country as a “banana republic” – a derogatory statement referring to banana-producing countries in Central America with histories of unstable and corrupt governments. Latin Americans [...]


The “Final Days” of a failed, corrupt, and criminal presidency…for the second time in two generations (I recall as a child hearing the drumbeat of “Watergate” in the news), that is the legacy of America’s Republican Party. As President-elect Biden and so many others keep saying (perhaps out of desperate hope), “this is not who [...]


US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) announced Wednesday evening that she is drawing up articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump after hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol. The Congresswoman tweeted her plans, writing, “I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives removed from [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted six military officers from the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) Monday. The charges against the officers include using malware to cause blackouts in Ukraine in 2015 and 2016; $1 billion in losses to three corporations in 2017; disrupting computers supporting the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics; hack-and-leak efforts against French [...]